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In Belgium, where the insurance sector is mainly broker-oriented, all electronic data exchange services for the insurance sector are rendered by PORTIMA. It's an organisation owned by the insurance companies with the primary goal to raise the productivity in the insurers - brokers channel.

TELEBIB2, the UN/EDIFACT based Belgian standard for electronic data exchange in the Insurance sector, contains, among others, messages to support processes in the area of Production, Claims and Accounting. These messages are based upon IPPOAD, ICASRP, INSPRE and PRPAID.

Since 1988, insurers and brokers are exchanging millions of messages per year via PORTIMA.

Via the same channel, insurers and brokers also exchange messages with:

  • Assuralia, the Professional Organisation of Belgian Insurers,
  • the BBAA, the Belgium Bureau for Motor Insurers,
  • the FCGA, the Warranty Fund of Motor Insurers,
  • the DIV, the belgian vehicle registration office,
  • and FEBIAC, the professional organisation of belgian vehicle constructors and importers.

Most of these messages are based upon IPPOAD.

Finally, through PORTIMA insurers and brokers also exchange data with Informex, an organisation servicing loss assessors and engineers with electronic data interchange. For this domain the messages are based upon ICASRP.

A working group is studying the potential future of TELEBIB2 in XML.


Michel Bormans - National representative for Belgium
Telebib Center
Square de Meeûs 29
B 1000 Brussels
Tel : +32.2.547.56.93, Fax : +32.2.547.59.74